February 2019 - Regional Update
Membership Report: The TICA NE Region is proud to announce that as of December 2018 the Region has 773 members and growing!
Congratulations: The TICA NE Region would like to give a special shout out to the Toybob Breed Group for advancing to PNB status and to Margo Hill for accepting the responsibility of new Working Breed Group Chair.
Reminder: The TICA NE Region is asking members to take pictures of NE moments and memories at upcoming shows/events to help prepare for a special surprise at the Regional Show in July. Members will be asked to submit candid shots soon, stay tuned for details.
NE February Member Spotlight - Gordon Pugh: The NE Region is proud to feature Vermont resident Gordon Pugh, who is 87 years young. In 1937, Gordon was introduced to his first cat at the age of six, and became fascinated with genetics in his high school biology class breeding fruit flies. He went on to become a licensed professional engineer and has about 3,000 hours flying light aircraft; he holds a commercial/instrument rating including seaplane. Gordon ran the WMTW TV station transmitter on Mt Washington in NH, and continues to enjoy photography as a hobby. His history with cats began with fostering bottle feeder kittens found in garbage cans for the North Shore Animal League, where he fell in love with a Maine Coon with extra toes. He has worked with Dr. Solveig Pflueger and the Polydactyl Maine Coon and is currently working with Tennessee Rex breeds. Always ready to help, you can usually find Gordon at a Northeast TICA show Master Clerking. Thank you, Gordon - for your commitment to feline health and welfare, help in the show hall, continued friendship, and your dedication to TICA!