April 2019 - Regional Update
Membership Report: Wow! The Northeast Region is proud to announce that they are now home to 822 members.....and counting!
Redesigned Website: Although it is a work in progress, please visit the redesigned Northeast Regional website at www.ticane.com where you can find information about clubs, upcoming events/shows, regional winners and more!
New NE Club: The NE Region welcomes The International Ragdoll Cat Alliance to our growing TICA family. Be on the lookout for details on their first show to be held in New Hampshire.
Upcoming Shows for 2018/2019 Season: As the end of the show season quickly approaches and the beginning of a new one starts, TICA NE Region reminds you to mark your calendar for the last two shows/events of the season:
Nauticats, Aril 13-14 in Sherbrooke, Quebec
Canuck Cat Club, April 19-21 in Toronto, Ontario
Catsachussets Cat Club, April 27-28 in Boston, MA
NE March Member Spotlight: Catherine Dunlap: The NE Region is proud to feature Maine resident Cathy Dunlap. Cathy began her adventures in the cat fancy in 2010, primarily showing Household Pets, but has been known to frequently assist with showing Championship Cats and Alters when lending a hand to other exhibitors. Cathy's generosity and kindness is known by all who frequent NE shows. She is often one of the first exhibitors found on show set up day to offer assistance with whatever needs to be done . She is also known as "Mom” to many NE exhibitors and loves to be greeted as such! The TICA NE Region would like to offer a sincere thank you to Cathy for her endless willingness to help, mentorship and smile - which has been known to light up the show hall every time!